Hello, I am Kieran White. I am a Web Developer based in Glasgow, Scotland.
Recent work
This is a current ongoing project to rebuild the current Rapid Formations website using newer technologies such as React and GatsbyJS.
I created three versions of the same manual order website for each of the company brands - 1st Formations, Rapid Formations and Quality Company Format
The email templates repository is a gulp mjml build that compiles .mjml email templates into fully responsive .html email templates.
As part of the c
An account dashboard was created for each of the three brand websites - 1st Formations, Rapid Formations and Quality Company Formations. The idea was
This game is a flash game created as part of a module project in University. It was developed using Adobe Flash Professional and Action Script 3. All
This game is a flash game created as part of a module project in University. It was developed using Adobe Flash Professional and Action Script 3. All
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